We are professional, innovative and flexible. Our goal is not only satisfied customers but also the fulfillment of our social obligations to our employees, fellow human beings and the environment. Our values reflect the service concept of quality and reliability.
Compliance with the law
We respect and comply with the laws, rules and regulations that relate to our operations around the world.
Environment, Health and Safety
We are committed to being a global leader in safeguarding the health and safety of our employees and protecting the environment.
Respect for human rights
We respect human rights and demand the same from our suppliers.
Providing quality
We are committed to producing high-quality products and providing world-class services.
Ethical Competitive Leadership
We create competitive advantages through first-class performance. We do not engage in unethical or illegal trade practices.
Respect for diversity and fair employment practices
We respect the cultural diversity of our workforce by adopting practices that provide all employees with equal opportunities for advancement and fair treatment based on their performance. We do not tolerate bullying or discrimination in the workplace.
Avoiding conflicts of interest
We avoid relationships or behaviors that could impair our judgment or create obvious conflicts between our personal interests and our loyalty to I²PS. We do not use our position with I²PS to gain unfair advantages for others or for ourselves. We do not engage in activities or enter into relationships that compete with I²PS.
Protection of Assets and Information
We use I²PS's property, information and opportunities for I²PS business and not for unauthorized purposes. We maintain at all times the confidentiality of information and employee records entrusted to us by I²PS or others.
Trading with Integrity
We do not offer or accept bribes, kickbacks or improper gifts or entertainment. Our business practices are consistent with our ethics and values.
Integrity in the compilation and disclosure of our financial results
We maintain accurate and complete financial and other business records and disclose full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable financial results and other material information. We have developed a system of internal controls designed to maintain the integrity of our records and data.
Sales to Governments
We comply with the specific laws, regulations and rules that apply to government contracts and relationships with government employees.
Political Contributions
We do not make donations or contributions to political candidates or parties on behalf of I2PS, even if they are lawful.